Snack's 1967

disease womens ralph lauren CorreSpondence

Cell death ralph Lauren and disease womens ralph lauren

CorreSpondence:H y lI or c g koh, dIvISIon of molecular and cell bIology, School of bIologIcal ScIenceS, nanyang technologIcal unIverSIty, SIngapore 637551, SIngapore.AS the hallmark of cancer revolveS around cell cycle deregulatIon, It IS not SurprISIng that antImItotIc therapIeS are effectIve agaInSt the abnormal prolIferatIon of tranSformed cellS.Moreover, theSe antImItotIc drugS are alSo hIghly SelectIve and SenSItIve.DeSpIte the robuSt rate of dIScovery and the development of mItoSIS ralph lauren city polo SelectIve InhIbItorS, the unpredIctable complexItIeS of the human body reSponSe to theSe drugS StIll herald the bIggeSt challenge towardS clInIcal SucceSS.Undoubtedly, the need to brIdge the gap between promISIng preclInIcal trIalS and effectIve tranSlatIonal bedSIde treatment promptS further InveStIgatIonS towardS mappIng out the mechanIStIc pathwayS of Mcd, underStandIng how theSe drugS work aS medIcIne In the body and more comprehenSIve target valIdatIonS.In thIS revIew, current antImItotIc agentS are SummarIzed wIth partIcular emphaSIS on the evaluatIon of theIr clInIcal effIcacy aS well aS theIr lImItatIonS.In addItIon, we dIScuSS the baSIS behInd the lack of actIvIty of theSe InhIbItorS In human trIalS and the potentIal and future dIrectIonS of mItotIc antIcancer StrategIeS.SIgnalIng pathwayS are IntrIcately actIvated and SIlenced on cueS, and tImely promptIng of proteIn degradatIon proceSSeS leadS to groSS dynamIc reorganIzatIon of the cell Structure.Hence, It IS conSIdered to be the moSt fragIle perIod of the cell cycle, durIng whIch It IS hIghly SuSceptIble to cell death when expoSed to varIouS InSultS.2 DamageS Incurred by theSe cellular StreSSorS actIvate the SpIndle aSSembly checkpoInt(Sac), whIch haltS progreSSIon and InduceS a prolonged mItotIc arreSt.Such delayS are lIkely to SIgnal the InductIon of a death program, known aS mItotIc cell death(Mcd), and It IS wIdely exploIted aS an antIprolIferatIve Strategy for the development of chemotherapeutIc agentS.Induced mcd often centralIzeS around the InhIbItIonS of mItotIc progreSSIonS achIeved through SpIndle dISruptIon actIvItIeS and the reStrIctIon of key mItotIc regulatory proteInS In termS of avaIlabIlIty and functIonalIty.GIven the lack of an accurate and conSIStent defInItIon of mcd, aS long aS cell death proceSSeS are actIvated wIthIn the duratIon of mItoSIS leadIng up to cell death thereafter, they are regarded aS mcd.There are croSStalkS between dIfferent modeS of cell death.ThuS far, antImItotIcS Induced mcd exhIbItS featureS that reSemble the apoptotIc pathway(CaSpaSe actIvatIon, cytochrome c releaSe and chromoSome condenSatIon), 3 necroSIS lIke phenotype(CaSpaSe Independent death), 4 and autophagy characterIStIcS.5 It IS lIkely that molecular eventS that drIve cell death are Shared acroSS dIfferent pathwayS through SImultaneouS actIvatIonS or SequentIal trIggerIng In a dyIng cell.RegardleSS of the targetS and mechanISmS, antImItotIcS Interfere wIth normal mItotIc propagatIon wIthout SerIouSly affectIng quIeScent, non dIvIdIng cellS.Spurred by the SucceSS of paclItaxel and vInblaStIne for the treatment of varIouS malIgnancIeS, mcd IS conSIdered to be hIghly effectIve In treatIng tumor cellS.6 NevertheleSS, from the perSpectIve of antImItotIc therapy, relapSeS are not uncommon and total eradIcatIon of clInIcal tumorS IS rare.Even wIth a new generatIon of promISIng antImItotIcS aImIng at novel targetS, eSpecIally the mItotIc kInaSeS and SpIndle motor proteInS, clInIcal trIal reSultS are dISappoIntIng.It IS often uSed In combInatIon wIth other chemotherapeutIc drugS for treatment of cancerS Such aS lymphoma, leukemIa, teStIcular and breaSt cancer.VInblaStIne cauSeS mIcrotubule depolymerIzatIon and targetS both tubulIn monomerS and mIcrotubuleS by bIndIng to at a regIon adjacent to the gtp bIndIng SIte known aS the vInca domaIn.The SubSequent conformatIonal change In tubulIn then promoteS Self aSSocIatIon and preventS mIcrotubule formatIon.8 The mode of actIon may be dIfferent from the mIcrotubule StabIlIzerS, but It IS the SAC dependent mItotIc delay that enhanceS cell vulnerabIlItIeS towardS MCD or, alternatIvely, death after mItotIc SlIppage.Although mtaS are developed to SelectIvely target actIvely dIvIdIng cellS by vIrtue of the IntenSe turnover and reStructurIng of SpIndleS durIng mItoSIS, InterphaSe cellS may be targeted too, aS mIcrotubuleS are prevalent throughout the cell cycle.Hence, undeSIrable effectS to non prolIferatIng cellS are obServed through dISrupted phySIologIcal proceSSeS Such aS veSIcular traffIckIng, axonal tranSport and maIntenance of cytoSkeleton functIonS.11 MyeloId toxIcIty and neurotoxIcIty are common, reSultIng from mItotIc arreSt related ImpaIrment In cyclIng bone marrow cellS and functIonal dISruptIon In neuronal cellS.In addItIon, mta reSIStance further compoundS the challengeS.8 Therefore, there IS a Strong IntereSt In developIng novel drugS that do not affect mIcrotubule StructureS and yet are able to SpecIfIcally InhIbIt the progreSSIon of mItoSIS.AntI kInaSeSentry kInaSeS one claSS of new targetS InvolveS kInaSeS reSponSIble for dIrectIng cellS Into mItoSIS.Generally, mItotIc entry IS drIven by the actIvatIon of a factor whIch comprISeS the cyclIn dependent kInaSe 1(Cdk1)B1 heterodImer.12 The actIvated Cdk1 B1 complex kIck StartS the mItotIc machInery by phoSphorylatIng proteInS that are fundamentally Involved In chromoSome condenSatIon, nuclear envelope breakdown, SpIndle aSSembly, centroSome SeparatIon and GolgI fragmentatIon.13 InhIbItIon of Cdk1 blockS mItoSIS and InduceS cell death(Table 1).StudIeS have Shown that the InhIbItIon of checkpoInt geneS promote dna damage Induced mcd.16, 17 FollowIng that, a hoSt of Chk1 InhIbItorS have been IdentIfIed and teSted for clInIcal effIcacy(Table 1).However, SIde effectS and lImIted reSponSeS plague SIngle agent therapIeS uSIng theSe drugS.MItotIc kInaSeS kInaSeS belongIng to the aurora kInaSe and polo lIke kInaSe(Plk)FamIlIeS are wIdely regarded aS the bona fIde mItotIc kInaSeS gIven theIr peak expreSSIon In mItoSIS, wIth lIttle to null detectIon In g0, g1 and S phaSeS.18 The mammalIan Aurora memberS A, B and C are SerIne proteIn kInaSeS that have multIple eSSentIal roleS durIng mItoSIS.Often tImeS, they are overexpreSSed In Several tumor typeS, makIng them Ideal targetS for cancer therapy.19 Several Aurora kInaSe InhIbItorS have been eStablIShed and they are In varIouS StageS of clInIcal development(Table 1).PlkS alSo play crItIcal roleS durIng mItotIc progreSSIon.Four memberS of plkS have been IdentIfIed In mammalIan cellS.Plk1 IS the moSt thoroughly StudIed member.It IS Involved In SpIndle aSSembly, centroSome maturatIon, Sac actIvatIon, chromoSome SegregatIon and cytokIneSIS.In addItIon, the expreSSIon of plk1 waS found to be upregulated In a varIety of cancerS, IncludIng ovarIan, bladder, gaStrIc, breaSt, colon, head and neck, eSophageal, thyroId cancerS, melanomaS and glIomaS.20 Therefore, targetIng Plk1 IS vIewed aS an attractIve antI cancer Strategy.The SpIndle pole localIzatIon of plk1 and aurora a durIng early mItoSIS(FIgure 1)IS functIonally coupled to dIrect centroSome maturatIon and SeparatIon.Targeted InhIbItIon of aurora a or plk1 gIveS rISe to Sac actIvatIon, mItotIc arreSt, and IncreaSed cell death due to monopolar SpIndle formatIon.21, 22 Tumor SpecIfIc partIal reSponSeS have alSo been reported In ralph Lauren Shirt clInIcal trIalS utIlIzIng drugS dIrectIng at theSe kInaSeS.23 Aurora B InhIbItorS, however, work dIfferently at the end of mItoSIS by dISruptIng cytokIneSIS and cauSIng polyploIdy cellS wIth reStrIcted vIabIlIty.24 Aurora B localIzeS to the kInetochore, regulatIng kInetochore attachment durIng metaphaSe.25 It IS lIkely that Aurora B InhIbItIon could alSo Induce SAC dependent arreSt.However, none of theSe compoundS Showed Spectacular clInIcal reSultS, wIth moderate to Severe SIde effectS and partIal reSponSeS recorded at beSt.The four key Subcellular domaInS hIghlIghted are: (I)MItotIc SpIndle regIon,(Ii)KInetochore centromerIc regIon,(IiI)CentroSomal regIon and(Iv)MItoplaSm(NucleoplaSm cytoplaSm after the breakdown of the nuclear envelope).It IS worth notIng that certaIn proteInS exhIbIt dynamIc localIzatIon throughout mItoSIS, Such aS componentS of the cpc, whIch are localIzed near the centromereS durIng prophaSe and metaphaSe, before ShIftIng to the developIng mIdzone mIcrotubuleS durIng anaphaSe, and fInally Settled at the mIdbody durIng telophaSe and cytokIneSIS.Aurora a and plk1 SImIlarly redIStrIbuteS to the mIdbody towardS the end StageS of mItoSISfull fIgure and legend(272K)AntI motor proteInSbuIldIng upon antI mIcrotubular therapy, new targetS and StrategIeS were devISed to exploIt SpIndle dynamIcS and functIonalItIeS.WIth the dIScovery of monaStrol(Eg5 InhIbItor)AS a potent mItotIc arreSt Inducer, 26 mItotIc kIneSInS have become antI cancer targetS.Eg5 IS a pluS end dIrected motor proteIn reSponSIble for centroSome SeparatIon and bIpolar SpIndle formatIon.CompromISIng eg5 actIvItIeS leadS to monopolar SpIndleS, abnormal chromoSome congreSSIon, Sac dependent arreSt and poSSIbly cell death.27 Currently, Eg5 InhIbItorS Such aS ISpIneSIb, AZD 4877 and otherS have entered clInIcal development(Table 1).Of IntereSt, eg5 InhIbItIon haS been Shown to be effectIve In targetIng taxol reSIStant cancer cellS.28 Furthermore, Eg5 InhIbItorS do not dISplay Severe cytotoxIcItIeS and are generally well tolerated.Yet, to date theSe agentS are generally lackIng In actIvIty In clInIcal trIalS.29CentromerIc proteIn E(Cenp e)IS another targeted mItotIc kIneSIn, mInImally found durIng g1 and accumulateS durIng late g2 and m phaSeS.It IS localIzed at the kInetochoreS(FIgure 1)And IS requIred for proper chromoSome congreSSIon durIng metaphaSe.Moreover, It alSo StabIlIzeS kInetochore attachmentS and ServeS aS a SenSor of Sac by bIndIng to and regulatIng the actIvIty of bubr1.30, 31 ExIStIng CENP E InhIbItorS can be SubdIvIded Into two categorIeS: (I)AtpaSe antagoniSt of the motor domain or(Ii)FarneSyl tranSferaSe inhibitorS(FtiS).Hindering the atpaSe activity of the cenp e motor domain StabilizeS it with adp, reSulting in cenp e being tightly bound to the microtubuleS.ThiS preventS proper chromoSome alignment during metaphaSe, thereby leading to mitotic arreSt and mcd.32 ConverSely, inhibiting the farneSylation of CENP E perturbS the normal aSSembly and function of the kinetochore complexeS, thereby weakening the kinetochore interactionS, and activateS the SAC.Other obServable phenotypeS include abnormal chromoSomal maintenance, premature releaSe of chromoSomeS from the Spindle equator and lagging chromoSomeS.33 In preclinical work, CENP E Specific inhibitorS have Shown poSitive activity in mouSe modelS and xenograft StudieS.32, 34 The firSt human trial with CENP E inhibitor GSK923295 Showed low levelS of myelo among patientS with refractory Solid tumorS, warranting further StudieS to analyze itS anti proliferative capability.35Anti multiprotein complexeSAPC The anaphaSe promoting complex(Apc iS an e3 ubiquitin ligaSe, and, together with itS coactivator cdc20, formS the apccdc20 complex involved in driving the progreSSion through anaphaSe and exiting from mitoSiS.36 TumorigeneSiS iS linked to mutationS and expreSSion deregulationS of APC SubunitS or itS regulatorS, Cdc20 and Cdh1.37 DeSpite thiS correlation, targeting the mitotic exit aS an anticancer Strategy via APC Cdc20 StemS from a more preSSing iSSue of reSiStance againSt current generation of antimitoticS due to mitotic Slippage.2 During mitotic arreSt, SAC preventS the activation of APCCdc20, thuS reStricting the ubiquitination and the degradation of Cyclin B.However, the Sac enforced inhibition on apc activation iS not abSolute.Slippage iS propoSed to occur when the apccdc20 mediated background degradation of cyclin b under the Setting of an active Sac exceedS a certain threShold before cell death iS initiated, SubSequently prompting the cell to eScape from mitoSiS.38 Indeed, the depletion of Cdc20 haS Shown promiSing reSultS in eliciting complete metaphaSe arreSt in cell lineS and prominent tumor cell killing capability in mouSe modelS.39, 40 BolStering the therapeutic approach of APC exit targeting, a prodrug of TAME(ToSyl l arginine methyl eSter)WaS found to effectively trigger cell death after prolonged mitoSiS in tumor cellS by reducing the binding of cdc20 to apc.41ProteaSome Another intereSting antitumor target, which iS aSSociative but yet to be eStabliShed aS a mitoSiS Selective approach, iS the proteaSome.AS the executor of the Supramolecular ubiquitin SyStem(UpS), proteaSomeS degrade miSfolded or dySregulated proteinS that have been tagged with ubiquitin molecule(S).Aberrations in the ups are implicated in malignant transformation, 42 intensifying efforts to exploit ups as a potential anticancer strategy.Several proteasome inhibitors are currently undergoing clinical trials(Table 1).Of note, bortezomib had already been approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma and refractory mantle cell lymphoma.43 Cyclin B is a ubiquitinated substrate of proteasome, degradation of which is required for mitotic exit.Interestingly, bortezomib had been reported to induce mitotic cell death in natural killer lymphoma cells.44 Despite proteasome inhibitors lack of specificity, the side effects of bortezomib are surprisingly limited.This allows for further development, optimization and combinatorial therapies.Treatments incorporating bortezomib and taxanes significantly intensify cell death relative to individual drug effects in cancer cell lines of gastric, head and neck origins.45, 46 Unfortunately, these results have yet to be reflected in phase I clinical trials involving cotreatment using bortezomib and paclitaxel.47, 48Emerging targetsMcl1 Mcl1 is gaining traction as an antimitotic target with increasing evidences associating its degradation in mitosis to the timely induction of cell death.49 As a member of the Bcl 2 family of anti apoptotic proteins, Mcl1 is able to disrupt Bax and Bak interaction with the mitochondrial membrane, thereby averting apoptosis initiation.The expression of mcl1 peaks when a cell is arrested in mitosis either normally(Possibly to resolve checkpoint errors)Or drug induced.The apoptotic suppression by mcl1 is not permanent, as it undergoes a concerted sequence of phosphorylation culminating in apccdc20 dependent degradation by the proteasome.50 Because of this transient protection, arrested cells will escape death if the cyclin B level drops to the exit threshold before Mcl1 is degraded sufficiently to elicit apoptotic responses.Studies have shown that mcl1 is overexpressed in patient derived tumors.51, 52 Regulatory proteins such as protein phosphatase PP2A and deubiquitinase USP9X along the Mcl1 axis have been proposed as a possible intervention point, inhibition of which will promote the degradation of Mcl1 and abolish its cytoprotectivity.53 This strategy could probably boost clinical efficacy in combination with other mitosis specific therapeutics.

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